
dear internet,

it's me, scott.

do you ever have those days where you wake up and just know it's going to be a good day? yesterday was the exact opposite for me, but today is looking really good so far!

megan just clicked on something on her computer and said "how come i'm not winning ten thousand dollars?"

like i was saying, i drove to work and there was a really beautiful sunrise, and then there were a bunch of clouds that looked like a thosuand cotton balls all shoved together, and they cast the best light on everything on the ground, and it gave it kind of the same colors that everything gets five minutes before it's going to rain. does that make sense? pretty, is what i'm trying to say. pretty!


i made a list of things that my future wife must have. well, i'm feeling really listy today (actually, i'm always kind of listy. i love lists! is that so wrong?), and i was thinking about this diary entry last night for some reason. and i've come up with some more.

okay. necessary for future bride:

11. creativity/imagination: see, according to personality tests that people always force me to take, i always come back as a "dreamer". and i love to make up stories and fantasize about taking road trips or picnics or oh, all sorts of things like that! and if i do this and wifey just stares blankly at me or tells me that i'm crazy, well. that's just no good!

12. humor: please make me laugh. in any way possible.

13. artsy: you can draw, paint, play some sort of musical instrument, sing-- i don't care. but i think some sort of art skill would be nice. a girl who could sing to me, i think, would be my favorite out of this bunch.

14. independence: relationships where people change themselves to completely revolve around the other are just. um. lame! sometimes i want to spend time alone. sometimes i want to go out with people who aren't my girlfriend (or, i mean, wife). they should want to do the same!

15. interesting: if my lovely wife and i were ever on a cruise, and perhaps maybe a nuclear submarine starts firing missiles at the cruise ship! and oh no, fire and smoke and death everywhere! but look, a life boat!! and we run to the lifeboat and float off to deserted snake island, where we are forced to spend ten years until an overhead plane sees our smoke signals and picks us up and takes us back to civilization.

well, i don't want to run out of conversation on snake island, see? granted, i wouldn't want to spend every waking hour with wifey (i'd end up killing her, you know?) but i really think it's possible to have some sort of good conversation every day for ten years. you don't just run out of things to talk about!

i'd just like to interrupt this list to state that i just learned this: a duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why. weird, huh?


16. travel: wants to.

17. combustable animals: thinks that explodingdog.com is the best thing ever, in the whole entire world. best. ever. EVER! better than cookies, i swear.

please marry me, mr. sam brown.

18. rollercoasters: are a lot of fun, don't you think? that isn't really a requirement or anything, but i just thought i'd mention it. i love rollercoasters! i hope i get to go to six flags next month for frightfest like we've been planning! mmmm...

19. psychotic: please, please don't be. please?

20. cute: be. i once had this girlfriend amy, and she refused to EVER wear a dress. like, what is so bad about wearing a cute dress every once in a while? i don't understand that. i used to love getting dressed up all nice and going out on "dates", but she always refused because she didn't ever want to dress up. so i dumped her. please be cute, okay? and realize that going out and doing stuff like that every once in a while is fun.

okay! i think that's a pretty good list so far.

i am looking for ghost stories! i decided this morning that all day today i will be very interested in them. have you ever had a ghosty-experience? or is your house haunted or anything? please share a story with me! i promise i will enjoy it and write back to you to tell you how much i love you for sharing such a good and interesting story!!

yes yes yes.

love, kisses, and ritztomato cookies,

ps. - hahaha! this is so funny! i look so weird when people go and capitalize me!

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