
dear internet,

it's me, scott.

following are the top ten things in my apartment right now:

10. a sleeping bag.

9. my alarm clock.

8. my laptop.

7. a backpack full of clothes.

6. toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, razor... that sort of stuff.

5. an oscillating fan. (i love the word 'oscillating'. i bet i'm spelling it wrong, though, right?)


ugh. my 4 key doesn't work very well. i have to push it down really hard. that's probably not a good thing!

4. my pillow.

3. a litter box.

2. a little furry creature that walks around meowing and complaining that there's nothing to hide under anymore.

i'm sorry. this list, unfortunately, needs to end prematurely because. that is all that i have in my apartment!

actually, it's kind of fun. i moved all of my furniture and everything i own over to my mom's house on wednesday and thursday, and i'm just staying here until they kick me out because it's closer to work, and... well, i don't really want to live with my parents if i don't have to.

it's almost like camping, though! i have a sleeping bag and a pillow. except. no tent, or campfires. and it's in an apartment, you know? so not really like camping at all.

444444 agh! that is going to bother me!

what else have i been up to? hmm. last night i went out skating with ed and josh after work... which i haven't done in years! i think the last time was when i lived downtown and i tried to skate to go get something to eat and ended up hurting my foot really bad. but luckily i didn't have any problems like that this time! yay for me! after that, we went out barhopping to all the seedy madison bars we could find. my favorite was 'the farm' because it was right next to a trailer park. and there was this fat girl who was dancing a lot, and she kept smacking her big fat ass! like. it was great! and then they played 'how do i live without you' (or. whatever. that song from the end of con air!) and there were all these whitetrash people dancing to it in this seedy little bar next to a trailer park. it was so romantic. my next date, i'm definitely takin' her to the farm, yo!

today i got up early and walked over to the park next to my house and played in a game of softball against a bunch of people that i don't know. it was horribly unorganized and not much fun (mostly because the team i was on lost, and i struck out twice haha). oh well, it was something to do.

oh! i forgot to mention. there was this really hot girl at this not-so-seedy bar last night called 'the clinic'. and she was wearing an orange halter-top thingy, and had the nicest back! mmm, backs. (also, she had pigtails... but boys who like that kind of thing are just weird). except. then she kind of turned around and she had a big nose and her face wasn't so great. so. i don't know. i think that just proves that all girls suck unless they have pigtails and a nice back and don't turn around. or something.

oh. robyn just called and i didn't get to my phone fast enough (it's all the way on the other side of this big empty room, you know?). i suppose i should go call her back.

love, kisses, and ketchup,

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