
dear internet,

it's me, scott. i stink!

see, i didn't take a shower this morning! i went to bed last night, and i just layed there for about 382 hours, and then i saw that it was getting bright outside, and i got up to look at my clock, and as soon as i looked at it, the alarm started going off! so i said "screw this", reset the alarm for 6:45, threw my blanket over my head, and tried to sleep for another thirty minutes. of course, i still couldn't sleep, and now i'm stuck sitting at work unshowered and unshaven! bah.

i just thought you should know that, so that you can picture me being a big ball of yuckyness while you read this. looks like there'll be no sex for me, today! them fly honeys don't want no stinky man. i think i'll go home and shower on my lunch break.


i finally saw 'dogma' last weekend, and i really liked it! i don't understand why all of the uber-religious people think the movie is sacreligious. so what if it takes a humorous approach on religion? hello, bethany regained her faith at the end of the movie!! is that an anti-religious story? hardly.

so then, ray and i went to old chicago monday night, and were sitting around eating and i was talking about how all of these christian girls i meet seem to be so reserved and closed-minded, and i've added an addendum to my "requirements for a girl" that i need for someone that i'm actually going to be getting along with:

1. must be able to say "what the hell?". really, saying the word 'hell' does not mean that you are going to be cast there eternally. lighten up.

2. must think 'dogma' was funny. or, at the very least, not be offended by it. why? because this is my kind of humor, dammit. and if you're so uptight that you think that the movie was sacreligious, and the devil's work, and it makes you a bad christian for enjoying this movie, then i'm never going to get along with you!

i make jokes about jesus inventing skateboarding and whatnot (oh, come on, you *know* that's what he did in those missing teenage years that weren't written about in the bible). it's not sacreligious. it's funny! jesus had a sense of humor, i know it.

anyway. so, yup, that's my diatribe for the day. i'm off to save the world from corrupt frontpage extensions now.


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